Institute of Oceanography (IO)
Hellenic Centre For Marine Research
Type of Research Institution
 Intergovernmental  Academic
 Governmental, national  Private
 Governmental, local  Charity / Foundation
Address : Thalassocosmos
71500 Crete, Heraklion GREECE
Phone : +30 2810 33 78 49
Director : Dr Aristomenis Karageorgis
Contact person :
Dr Nikolaos Lampadariou
Number of permanent staff
 Scientists (with doctorate/ PhD) : 15  others : 13
Type of Activities
 Pure research  Academic
 Applied research  Education / Outreach
 Long-term monitoring  Policy / Planning / Consultancy
 Technology for environmental applications  Conservation & Protection
Main fields of research (at present - 6 max)
biological & chemical oceanography, operational oceanography, experimental oceanography, marine biodiversity, marine biology and pollution, natural and anthropogenic impacts on the marine environment, monitoring of the marine environment to establish a framework for a Community action in the fields of water policy and marine environmental policy
Main research collaborations at international level (at present)
* MixITiN
Ongoing long-term monitoring programs
* Time series sampling at open sea station M3A and coastal station HCB of the POSEIDON System
* European Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Water Framework Directive
Total area dedicated to research (m2)
Conference room
 no yes (number of seats : 150 )
Research vessel(s)
 less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 2
  more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 2
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
R/V AEGAEO (62 m): 2 Multibeam sonars; Side Scan Sonar; ROVs; seismic analysis; 2 Nisskin rosettes for water sampling; CTDs; current meters. Various water and plankton samplers, sediment traps, benthic samplers, benthic draggers and corers for fauna and sediment.
R/V PHILIA (26 m): RoxAnn & Side Scan Sonars; SCANMAR net recorder; ROVs; Various underwater cameras Osprey and underwater sledges; CTDs; current meters. Various water and plankton samplers, sediment traps, benthic samplers (grabs, box and multi-corers) and benthic draggers. Pelagic, benthic trawls and otter and beam trawls.
Two towed vessels for support of coastal research and diving activities
Inflatable boat (zodiac)
Other major research facilities and equipment
* large-scale mesocosm facility “CretaCosmos” for experimental test of ecological hypotheses: two concrete pools of 150 m3 and 350 m3, 12 pelagic mesocosms of 3-5 m3, 9 benthocosms (water column 1.5 m3, sediment: 85 L)
* microscopy labs, flow cytometry lab, isotope lab, chemistry lab, culture lab, constant temperature room, benthos lab, several general use wet and dry labs, calibration lab, engineering and system support lab, Mobile lab with wet and dry labs and storage space
Ecosystem types available nearby
 Direct access to sea No direct access to brackish / estuarine waters

Other ecosystems : Cretan Sea, Levantine and Libyan Sea (Eastern Mediterranean); various types of marine habitats (hard/soft bottoms, marine caves, seagrass & marine forests, deep-sea)
Areas of taxonomic expertise
 Plankton: viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes by means of molecular tools; phytoplankton (diatoms), mixoplankton (protists, dinoflagellates, ciliates), zooplankton (copepods and other meso-)
Benthos: Macro- and meio-fauna
Specimen collections
 yes no
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
 yes no
Training courses
 yes no

Post Graduate students in collaboration with the University of Crete
Capacity and brief description of library
 170 m² library facility with 20 study seats

Last update : 01/02/2023