- Signature of the CIESM Charter on Access and Benefit-Sharing
   21.06.2014, Monaco

2013 CIESM Congress, Marseille:
- Brief interview of CIESM Pdt and DG, Marseille 2013
- Scientific Panels (22 podcasts full HD), Marseille 2013

- Keynote address of CIESM DG opening 2013 IAEA Scientific Forum, F. Briand  (30'15")
   17.09.2013, IAEA 57th General Conference, Vienna, Austria

- Legal and scientific challenges for marine biotech, L. Giuliano (16'58")
   16.11.2012, Intl. Law of the Sea Conf., Porto, Portugal

Marine Genetic Resources: video conference of a CIESM seminar  – April 2011, La Spezia, Italy
   View short videos on selected topics:
      -  The Global Scene (24'44")
      -  From Research to Market (36'01")
      -  ABS Issues, challenges and actors: a Mediterranean Regional Perspective (37'10")
      -  National Perceptions of the Marine Biotechnology Sector
      -  Setting the Scene: Objectives and Panelists (09'32")
      -  Post-Scriptum, F. Briand (2'24")

- Marine sciences and Italian cinema, F. Briand (44'55")
  10.05.2010, Palazzo Cinema, Venice, Italy