Institute of Fishing Resources
Type of Research Institution
 Intergovernmental  Academic
 Governmental, national  Private
 Governmental, local  Charity / Foundation
Address : Agricultural Academy
Boul. Primorsky, 4
Agricultural Academy Boul. Primorsky, 4 9000 Varna BULGARIA
Phone : +359 52 632 065
Director : Prof Elitsa P. Petrova-Pavlova
Contact person :
Number of permanent staff
 Scientists (with doctorate/ PhD) : 14  others : 21
Type of Activities
 Pure research  Academic
 Applied research  Education / Outreach
 Long-term monitoring  Policy / Planning / Consultancy
 Technology for environmental applications  Conservation & Protection
Main fields of research (at present - 6 max)
hydrochemistry, marine microbiology, plankton, bottom communities, population genetics, ichthyology
Main research collaborations at international level (at present)
Ongoing long-term monitoring programs
* State and dynamics of trophic base in the Black Sea
* Stock assessment of the commercial fishes in the Black Sea
* dynamics of the Black Sea ecosystem under natural and anthropogenic factors
Total area dedicated to research (m2)
Conference room
 no yes (number of seats : 12 )
Research vessel(s)
 less than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 0
  more than 12 m in length; number of vessels : 1
Brief description of vessels and on board scientific equipment :
34 m in length ; GPS, 2 radars, 2 hydrolocators, oceanographic equipment, trawling facilities
Other major research facilities and equipment
* spectrophotometer U-2001, PCR and all necessary devices for electrophoresis, microscopes, many PCs, electronic scales, etc.
Ecosystem types available nearby
 Direct access to sea Direct access to brackish / estuarine waters

Other ecosystems : littoral, sublittoral, coastal lakes
Areas of taxonomic expertise
 phytoplankton, nematods, molluscs, crustaceans, fishes
Specimen collections
 yes no

Brief description : invertebrates (from the Black Sea) : Ostracoda, Mysidacea, Cumacea, Amphipoda, Polychaeta, Harpacticoida ;
we have also some fishes in the collection ; on the basis of our Institute we have an Aquarium with live preserved exhibits
Hosting facilities for visiting scientists
 yes no
Training courses
 yes no

population genetics ; electrophoresis technics
Capacity and brief description of library
 25 000 volumes of all aspects of marine biology

Last update : 20/02/2020